Tuesday 6 October 2015

Showreel woes......

In these times of "the internet" we (actors) have to have our on-line-presence. The social meded foot print, it takes time and effort, Tweeting, Facebook posts, photos on instagram and things like this Blog. We have to have Skype so we can do "Video auditions" and we need a showreel on Vimeo and YouTube....

Showreels are essential, after you have appeared in someones film, you then wait for the footage, so you can edit it into your showreel.....and you wait......and wait......and.... You get the picture.

I'm curently waiting for four productions to say that the footage is ready. I know there are many reasons that post-production can seem to take forever, so, my fellow actors. Don't give up hope whilst waiting.

I know that many casting calls state that you must have a showreel and it's frustrating know you've done enough to have one, but can't get hold of any of it. there are alternitves...do it yourself.

You can pay for a company to quickly produce a showreel for you, this is quick and reliable (as people do tend to work better when your paying them in cash) or you could do a colaborative piece.

This is what I am going to try to organise, so I'll let you know how it goes and whether I get my footage from the jobs I've done before the one I make for myself.

In the mean time, I'll be missing out on appying for some acting work because I don't have a showreel. The trick is to keep positive x

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